Latest Update Changes [12.12.24]
- Created "Shut the Box"
- Added new font for page
- Added new banner images for homepage
- Fixed bug that did not properly reset Shut the Box
- Fixed bug where you could get unlimited powerups in football game
- Games now compatible with screen widths of 250px and up
- Fixed instructions modals not closing when clicking 'x' in corner
- Fixed that one problem we do not talk about...
- More games are coming soon! I just need to know what to make
Thank You!
If you're here, it means you actually listened to me and checked out the website. This has been a fun side project for me and I appreciate anyone who takes even a minute to see what is on here. Please reach out however you can for new suggestions or quality of life features. If you somehow enjoy what is on here, these pages aren't free and I will hapilly take donations. If you really enjoy this website, share it with friends, grandparents, and maybe even your boss.